In October 2008, Archaeology Magazine's Deputy Editor Eric Powell accompanied the CyArk team to digitally preserve the Zapotec ruins of Monte Alban, just outside Oaxaca, Mexico. Archaeology Magazine had wanted to write an article on CyArk for some time, and the Monte Alban project proved to be the perfect opportunity. From dodging lightning to scaling cliffs with laser scanner-in-tow, the resulting adventures became the 6-page, featured cover story in the current (May/June 2009) issue of
Archaeology Magazine.
The article, entitled "The Past in High-Def" does a great job expounding upon the benefits of digital heritage preservation to site authorities, and even gives a sneak peak at our upcoming Rapa Nui (Easter Island) project. It can be read in its entirety at
CyArk works closely with the site authorities to control the types of content released through the website. Monte Alban is nearly completed, and we are now working with INAH, the site authority, on the final edits before launching Monte Alban on the CyArk archive. Subscribe to our
RSS feed or follow us on
Twitter to be informed the moment Monte Alban is released.