After a great deal of work, CyArk is proud to announce the release of our first iPad app in the iTunes Store. (
EDIT: It has subsequently been released for iPhones as well). The Fort Laramie app is available for download
here. This app was originally designed as a kiosk interface to be used by visitors to Fort Laramie. While this is CyArk's first app in the App Store, we are very excited about using this new medium to provide virtual access to heritage sites. The Fort Laramie app can also augment the on-site experience, providing location based audio, and virtual access to areas not normally open to the public.
The Fort Laramie App includes the following:
• 67 panoramic images, most with audio narration
• Detailed site map showing key landmarks
• Historical and current photographs of the park
• Virtual video fly-throughs of the site in different historical phases
• Perspectives of 3D laser scan data captured by CyArk during
project fieldwork at the park
We would like to thank our partners at the
National Park Service for their help and close collaboration on this project. We would also like to thank project partners, University of Colorado, Denver's
Center of Preservation Research.
Please download this FREE app
here. Comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated either in the comment section below or on your iTunes account in the iTunes store.