Surveying techniques range from simple manual methods to remote sensing instruments capable of millimeter precision. The choice of survey device depends on the type of information needed and the corresponding degree of accuracy that is required. Combined with the use of a clinometer (vertical angle measurement) and compass (horizontal angle), or theodolite (vertical and horizontal) readings, three dimensional coordinate information can be deduced with a reasonable level of accuracy.
Total stations provide angle and distance measurement devices within one instrument, thus enabling the calculation of 3D coordinates without the need for other measurements. Total stations enable distance calculation methods using remote sensing devices typically capable of longer range measurement than manual devices.
Survey is used as a source of control for the data collection on CyArk Digital Preservation projects.
For more information on the technologies commonly employed in CyArk's Digital Preservation projects, see the Related Articles below.
• Ozsavasci, A., C. Guney, L. Thys-Senocak, R.N. Celik. The Utility of Geodetic Survey Techniques and Equipments in Architectural Heritage Documentation -- An Assessment of Recent Approaches in Turkey: The Documentation Project of the Ottoman Fortresses of Seddulbahir and Kumkale. 13 March 2006
• Tripcevich, N. "Mobile GIS in Archaeological Survey." The SAA Archaeological Record, Vol. 4, No. 3. 2004: 17-22.
• Banning, E.B. Archaeological Survey. Manuals in Archaeological Method and Theory. Plenum, New York: 2002.
• Barber, D., J. Mills and P. Bryan. "Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry: 21st Century Metrology." Proceedings of the Surveying and Documentation of Historic Buildings - Monuments - Sites Traditional and Modern Methods, CIPA 2001 International Symposium, Potsdam (2001).