This week, Rahaf Orabi, one of the participants from the training workshop CyArk held with the Syrian Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums (DGAM) presented at the World Heritage Young Professionals Forum in Krakow Poland. Ms. Orabi who has a Masters in Architectural Design, presented on the reconstruction of the theater in Palmyra completed in the 1970’s.
We are excited for Ms. Orabi as she brings greater awareness to the longstanding tradition of excellence in heritage research and management in the country and we are thrilled with the great strides that she and the other participants have made in digitally preserving the architectural heritage of Syria. Rahaf was one of the ten particpants from the most recent Project Anqa training held in Beirut this past January. The whole team has done some amazing work and are consistently producing high resolution textured models of the sites in Damascus.
We wish her and the other members of the DGAM team the best of luck as they continue to document some of the most important architectural treasures of Damascus and we hope to share more of their progress with you soon.