Sundari Chowk

Project Resources

Meaning beautiful courtyard, the Sundari Chowk was constructed in the 1600’s by King Siddhinarasimha Malla and its architecture and traditions continue to influence the region today. The tour was created by local community members who received training in 3D documentation and storytelling as part of CyArk’s work in the Community Heritage Exchange Initiative, a collaboration of the U.S. Department of State Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation, StoryCenter, and CyArk.

The Community Heritage Exchange Initiative (CHEI) focuses on documenting and sharing the stories of cultural heritage sites to support the exchange of community-centered stories that highlight the value and impact of the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) in its efforts to preserve and protect cultural heritage. The CHEI project in Kathmandu was undertaken in collaboration with the Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust and a group of 10 local participants from the community who were trained in 3D capture and place-based storytelling. The trainees worked alongside CyArk both virtually and in the field to document the Sundari Chowk using 3D scanning and photogrammetry to create a photorealistic model of the site. The trainees then worked to develop a tour which includes scripted content as well as interviews with other members of the community to share the significance of the site with a broader audience.

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