Antonine Wall

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Erected during the reign of the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius, the Antonine Wall marked the northernmost boundary of the Roman Empire in the second century CE. The Antonine Wall is unique in that instead of being built from stone, the wall consists of a turf rampart fronted by a wide and deep ditch, making this structure the most complex frontier ever constructed by the Roman army at that time. Due to the hostility of the fierce Caledonian peoples native to the region north of the wall, the Antonine Wall was abandoned shortly after its construction, and the Roman army withdrew to Hadrian's Wall, located one hundred miles to the south. The site witnessed other occupations, most notably one led by Emperor Septimius Severus (c.200 CE), but all were short-lived. In 2008, the Antonine Wall was inscribed by UNESCO as a part of the Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site.

The Antonine Wall is one of the ten sites included in the Scottish Ten project, a partnership project between CyArk, Historic Scotland, and The Glasgow School of Art's Digital Design Studio. The Scottish Ten ambitiously strives to create accurate digital models of Scotland's five UNESCO designated World Heritage Sites and five international heritage sites over the course of five years. Along with the Antonine Wall, the Scottish Ten will also digitally document the remaining four sites in Scotland - the Heart of Neolithic Orkney; the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh; New Lanark; and St. Kilda - as well as five international heritage sites. The Scottish Ten team carried out data acquisition at the Antonine Wall in July 2013.

For more information about the Antonine Wall, visit the Antonine Wall website and the Scottish Ten website.

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